Optimización de depósitos

Taylor Turner • 25 de febrero de 2021

Wasted Warehouse Space = Wasted Money

Optimización de depósitos

Una mayor cantidad de espacio implica más dinero. Ampliar un espacio implica gastar más dinero y por tal motivo, es algo que debe hacerse luego de una cuidadosa planificación, a fin de evitar el colapso de su empresa. However, too little space restricts the amount of product and tools you can possess, slowing the growth and development of your company. What if, instead of increasing the size of your plant or warehouse, you could better utilize the space you have? This would offer all the benefits of a larger facility without the drawbacks and cost.

Stacking Bulk Containers saves space

The first place to look is up. At RPP Containers, our totes are designed to be stacked while full of your product. On average they can go six high without the need of permanent racks. This means you can increase the amount of usable floor space by six. A huge benefit that requires no long-term capital expenditure. 

Changing the layout of the warehouse with bulk containers is easy

Without the need of permanent racking, you will be able to rearrange your plant layout over time. Not all items are year round movers. The ebb and flow of manufacturing means that the shape of your inventory is very organic. This means the shape of your storage is almost never static. Not only does your storage change, but the way you layout your inventory might need to change as certain products or machines need to be reached easier. Our easy stack bins can be moved around easily to fit your new requirements.

Not only do products need to be stored. Out of season tools and packaging also have to be placed somewhere. RPP Containers' collapsible bulk containers fold down easily and can be stacked while collapsed. With as high as a 7:1 nesting ratio, these totes require drastically less space when not in use. Less space required for storing packaging is more space open for product and machinery.

contenedores bulk DuraGreen

All of our totes have spaces for labels and placards for quick and easy identification; some even viewable while the container is collapsed. This easy, low-cost option makes it easy to install a JIT process in your facility. Helping to identify what packaging is used for what product helps to reduce wasted time looking for the correct items, leaving more time for manufacturing new merchandise. 

Floor space can be a tricky thing to manage. Too much and you can be wasting precious capital on an unused resource. Too little and you can cause a strain on your business, slowing production and growth. RPP Containers makes this a little easier by offering an assortment of totes that can be used to better optimize the facility space you already have.

Artículo de: Taylor Turner | Gerente de cuentas

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